Police seeking suspects after 2 men allegedly exposed themselves to children in Kitchener
The alleged incident took place in the area of Prince Albert Boulevard and St. Leger Street at around 8:20 p.m. Sunday.
Mon, 06 May 2019 14:50:37 +0000
North Korea missile launches test Trump’s resolve
North Korea appears to have tested a new short-range missile - and President Donald Trump's resolve to keep it from doing more of the same in the future.
Mon, 06 May 2019 14:57:43 +0000
Royal baby succession: Where does Meghan Markle and Prince Harry’s son rank?
The baby, who is yet to be named, is the Queen's eighth great-grandchild — and Prince Charles' fourth grandchild.
Mon, 06 May 2019 14:46:56 +0000
Quebec education minister heads to New York to learn about 4-year-old kindergarten
He intends to draw inspiration from three schools with four-year-old kindergarten.
Mon, 06 May 2019 14:40:56 +0000
Gravenhurst man faces impaired driving, drug charges following traffic stop in Peterborough County
Peterborough County OPP say officers seized cocaine, oxycodone and cash during the traffic stop.
Mon, 06 May 2019 15:05:37 +0000
Manitoba RCMP aware of suspected poppy seed ‘false positives’ on roadside drug test
The Drager DrugTest 5000, which is currently being tested by Manitoba RCMP and in active use in some jurisdictions across the country, has apparently given false positive readings for people who have consumed harmless food like poppy seeds.
Mon, 06 May 2019 15:07:08 +0000
Shemar Moore honours Kristoff St. John at Daytime Emmy Awards
"He opened the door for so many of us, myself and a lot of people out there, whether you know it or not," Shemar Moore said of Kristoff St. John.
Mon, 06 May 2019 14:41:20 +0000
Man charged with child pornography for ordering youth sex doll testifies at trial
The complicated case of Kenneth Harrisson has been making its way through the court system for years, raising the issue of what constitutes child pornography if no real child was involved
Mon, 06 May 2019 14:40:02 +0000
Man charged after Waterloo police find drugs while searching Kitchener home
The search took place at a house on Cluthe Crescent around 3 p.m. Friday, according to police.
Mon, 06 May 2019 15:03:43 +0000
RCMP arrest Nova Scotia man on child pornography charges
Police searched a home in Birchy Head, N.S. 54 kms South West of Halifax on May 4, 2019.
Mon, 06 May 2019 15:01:50 +0000
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Primarul din Mioveni, Ion Georgescu, a spus astăzi într-o conferinţă de presă a PSD Argeş că lucrările de construire a noului spital orăşenesc din Mioveni decurg conform planurilor de până acum, iar pe 20 septembrie se vor muta aici şi secţiile de la spitalul "Sf. Spiridon". Pentru finalizarea lucrărilor şi pentru investiţii este nevoie de 20 milioane de euro, bani pe care primarul a spus că administraţia locală i-ar putea accesa printr-un credit dacă nu va primi până în mai un răspuns favorabil din partea Ministerului Sănătăţii către care a făcut mai multe solicitări de finanţare pe diverse programe. În ceea ce priveşte angajările, Ion Georgescu a precizat că nu primăria se ocupă de acestea, ci Ministerul Sănătăţii. Cei interesaţi trebuie să urmărească ediţiile din iulie şi august ale revistei "Sănătatea" în care vor fi publicate anunţurile de angajare. - ( 05.04.2019 ) ION GEORGESCU, VEŞTI DESPRE NOUL SPITAL DIN MIOVENI | MIOVENI
Stiri aleatoare din arhiva: www.argesulvorbeste.ro
Licitaţii pentru 4 drumuri judeţene
Consiliul Judeţean a iniţiat procedurile de achiziţie publică pentru serviciile de proiectare, studii de teren, expertiză tehnică şi deviz pentru mai multe drumuri. Drumurile judeţene vizate sunt: DJ 703 B de la limita cu judeţul Olt pe tras...(Citește tot articolul)
Mon, 06 May 2019 00:00:00 +0300