Sunday 28 April 2019

RO - EN - Mon 29 Apr 2019 06:58:10 - 758892116

What exactly is an Obama-Biden Democrat?

As Joe Biden joins the crowded field of Democratic candidates, he’s marketing his brand of politics in the framework of his role as Vice President in the Obama Administration, but how will that play with the more progressive wing of the party? Sen. Bob...

Sun, 28 Apr 2019 22:43:16 -0400

As hate crimes rise in America, administration cuts funding to track domestic terror

President Trump vows research to find out what happened in the mass shooting of Poway, CA, but the Daily Beast’s Betsy Woodruff reports the Department of Homeland Security disbanded a domestic terror intelligence unit.

Sun, 28 Apr 2019 22:42:39 -0400

'I can land the plane': Rosenstein’s efforts to save his job

The Washington Post’s Matt Zapatosky joins the Kasie DC panel to discuss his bombshell report detailing the steps Rod Rosenstein took to save his job after the New York Times reported last fall he suggested wearing a wire to secretly record the president.

Sun, 28 Apr 2019 22:42:50 -0400

Hate crimes on the rise under Trump Admin.

Rev. Al Sharpton is joined by Danielle Moodie-Mills, Shelby Emmett, and Eugene Scott to discuss the rise in hate crimes under President Donald Trump, following the shooting in a California synagogue.

Sun, 28 Apr 2019 18:34:46 -0400

PoliticsNation 4/28/19

PoliticsNation is hosted by Al Sharpton, one of America's most renowned civil rights leader.

Sun, 28 Apr 2019 17:00:00 -0400

HBO Documentary Confronts USA Gymnastics Culture That Enabled Larry Nassar

"At the Heart of Gold: Inside the USA Gymnastics Scandal," a new HBO documentary, explores the extent of former Michigan State University doctor Larry Nassar's sexual abuse. Filmmaker Erin Lee Carr joins MSNBC's Richard Lui to talk about the impact of...

Sun, 28 Apr 2019 17:21:59 -0400

Dems ready for fight if AG Barr cancels testimony

Rev. Al Sharpton is joined by Rep. Dan Kildee and Rep. Ro Khanna. The congressmen say it’s their constitutional duty to hold the Trump Administration accountable.

Sun, 28 Apr 2019 18:46:11 -0400

Congressman who represents Poway, CA: 'This really is terrorism'

Rep. Scott Peters (D-CA), who represents the district where the Chabad of Poway Synagogue is located, tells Kasie Hunt that in the wake of the shooting there, 'white supremacism really has to be called out,' and that President Trump hasn’t done a good...

Sun, 28 Apr 2019 22:41:21 -0400

Rabbi who survived synagogue shooting tells suspect, 'hating Jews is hating humanity. We are all humans..'

Rabbi Yisroel Goldstein survived the mass shooting at his temple, Chabad of Poway, CA, and brought a message of hope out of tragedy, telling MSNBC’s Kasie Hunt, 'A little bit of light pushes away a lot of darkness. A lot of light will push away much...

Sun, 28 Apr 2019 22:42:55 -0400

'We don’t fundamentally change the office of the presidency on what we allow anyone who occupies that office to do'

Rep. Jahana Hayes (D-CT) says that even with the Mueller report concluded, there are plenty more questions to be answered on the 12 criminal referrals still unknown.

Sun, 28 Apr 2019 22:42:09 -0400 | |

Primarul din Mioveni, Ion Georgescu, a spus astăzi într-o conferinţă de presă a PSD Argeş că lucrările de construire a noului spital orăşenesc din Mioveni decurg conform planurilor de până acum, iar pe 20 septembrie se vor muta aici şi secţiile de la spitalul "Sf. Spiridon". Pentru finalizarea lucrărilor şi pentru investiţii este nevoie de 20 milioane de euro, bani pe care primarul a spus că administraţia locală i-ar putea accesa printr-un credit dacă nu va primi până în mai un răspuns favorabil din partea Ministerului Sănătăţii către care a făcut mai multe solicitări de finanţare pe diverse programe. În ceea ce priveşte angajările, Ion Georgescu a precizat că nu primăria se ocupă de acestea, ci Ministerul Sănătăţii. Cei interesaţi trebuie să urmărească ediţiile din iulie şi august ale revistei "Sănătatea" în care vor fi publicate anunţurile de angajare. - ( 05.04.2019 ) ION GEORGESCU, VEŞTI DESPRE NOUL SPITAL DIN MIOVENI | MIOVENI

Stiri aleatoare din arhiva:

Măsuri speciale la biserici pentru Paşti

Riscul de producere a unor incendii la lăcaşurile de cult în perioada Paştelui este mare, iar tragedia de la Costeşti de acum aproape 100 de ani nu a fost uitată. Tocmai de aceea, pompierii argeşeni s-au mobilizat şi inspectorii de prev...(Citește tot articolul)

Wed, 24 Apr 2019 00:00:00 +0300

Aveţi grijă! Recomandări de la Prefectură pentru minivacanţa de Paşti şi 1 Mai!

Prefectul judeţului Argeş, Emilian Dragnea, a făcut o serie de recomandări pentru cetăţeni pentru minivacanţa de Paşti şi 1 Mai. Iată care sunt acestea:- În zonele aglomerate din pieţe, gări, autogări, în magazine, fiţi foa...(Citește tot articolul)

Thu, 25 Apr 2019 00:00:00 +0300

FC Argeş joacă în Trivale de Paşti

Până în Paşti şi în ziua de Paşti se vor desfăşura şi meciurile din cadrul etapei a 32-a din Liga a 2-a de fotbal. Echipele din Argeş au meciuri dificile: vineri, 26 aprilie, se va desfăşura partida Luceafărul Oradea - C...(Citește tot articolul)

Tue, 23 Apr 2019 00:00:00 +0300

Utilaje noi la ADP Piteşti

Primăria Municipiului Pitești a achiziționat încă trei utilaje multifuncționale, în valoare de 1.428.000 de lei, care vor putea fi folosite atât iarna la deszăpezire, cât și în restul anului, pentru operațiuni c&...(Citește tot articolul)

Thu, 25 Apr 2019 00:00:00 +0300

Licitaţie de un milion de euro la Rucăr

După ce a obţinut toate cele 25 de avize necesare pentru autorizaţia de construire, Primăria comunei Rucăr a lansat licitaţia pentru execuţia lucrărilor de modernizare a drumurilor de interes local. Modernizarea drumurilor este vitală pentru...(Citește tot articolul)

Wed, 24 Apr 2019 00:00:00 +0300

Plecarea deputatului Georgescu de la PSD la Pro România, parte a unui calcul complicat pentru PSD

Conducerea PSD ia în calcul să amâne până după Paște o reorganizare a Guvernului și, implicit, validarea în Parlament a noilor miniștri din cabinetul Dăncilă, pentru a-l scoate astfel din joc pe Klaus Iohannis. Î...(Citește tot articolul)

Wed, 24 Apr 2019 00:00:00 +0300

Cum funcţionează pieţele din Piteşti de sărbători

SC SALPITFLOR GREN SA anunță că în perioada 26 - 29 aprilie 2019 piețele municipiului Pitești vor funcționa după următorul program: vineri 26.04.2019 06:30 - 20:30 sâmbătă 27.04.2019 - 06:30 -17:30 duminică 28.04.2019: î...(Citește tot articolul)

Thu, 25 Apr 2019 00:00:00 +0300

Lipsa de experienţă, principala cauză a accidentelor de muncă în Argeş!

Reprezentanţii ITM Argeş au prezentat astăzi la Colegiul Prefectural o situaţie a incidentelor apărute pe parcursul anului trecut. Conform raportului, numărul accidentelor de muncă a scăzut de la 137 în 2017 la 132 în 2018, dar a...(Citește tot articolul)

Tue, 23 Apr 2019 00:00:00 +0300

Autorităţile din Argeş, în alertă din cauza gripei porcine

Autorităţile judeţene au atras astăzi în Colegiul Prefectural atenţia cu privire la problemele care pot apărea în Argeş pe fondul focarului de gripă porcină din Corbeni depistat săptămâna trecută. 'Dacă vom găsi anim...(Citește tot articolul)

Tue, 23 Apr 2019 00:00:00 +0300

Program de sărbători la Evidenţa Populaţiei în Piteşti

Direcția pentru Evidența Persoanelor a Municipiului Pitești anunță cetățenii că, în perioada sărbătorilor pascale și a zilelor declarate libere, respectiv în intervalul 26 aprilie 2019 - 1 mai 2019, programul de lucru cu public...(Citește tot articolul)

Thu, 25 Apr 2019 00:00:00 +0300

Camera Deputaţilor a votat pentru repatrierea rezervei de aur a României

Camera Deputaţilor, în calitate de for decizional, a adoptat astăzi proiectul de lege iniţiat de PSD pentru repatrierea integrală a rezervei de aur a României. Proiectul de lege a vizat modificarea şi completarea art. 30 din Legea nr...(Citește tot articolul)

Thu, 25 Apr 2019 00:00:00 +0300

De Paşti, restricţii de trafic pe drumul Piteşti - Râmnicu Vâlcea

Centrul INFOTRAFIC din Inspectoratul General al Poliţiei Române informează că în perioada 25 aprilie - 1 mai 2019, circulaţia vehiculelor rutiere cu masa totală maximă autorizată mai mare de 7,5 tone (altele decât cele destin...(Citește tot articolul)

Wed, 24 Apr 2019 00:00:00 +0300

Buget de peste 10 milioane lei la Regia de Drumuri

Regia Județeană pentru Drumuri și Poduri Argeș a previzionat pentru anul în curs venituri totale de 10,7 milioane lei, iar cheltuielile sunt estimate la suma de 10,63 milioane lei. În structura cheltuielilor de exploatare, preponderea...(Citește tot articolul)

Mon, 22 Apr 2019 00:00:00 +0300

Autorizații de plantare - defrișare eliberate în primul trimestru al anului 2019

În conformitate cu prevederile Legii Pomiculturii nr. 348/2003R, Direcția pentru Agricultură Județeană Argeș a eliberat în primul trimestru al acestui an, 37 autorizații de defrişare plantații de pomi şi arbuşti fructiferi, 27 a...(Citește tot articolul)

Mon, 22 Apr 2019 00:00:00 +0300

Doar patru abatoare în care pot fi sacrificaţi mieii în Argeş

Daniel Lupu, directorul DSVSA Argeş, a spus astăzi că în judeţul Argeş se pot sacrifica miei pentru Paşti în doar patru dintre cele şapte abatoare autorizate. Este vorba despre abatoarele din Câmpulung Muscel, Rucăr şi Bas...(Citește tot articolul)

Tue, 23 Apr 2019 00:00:00 +0300

Anunț important de la Primăria Bradu

Primăria Bradu și primarul Dan Stroe pun mare preț pe curățenia din localitate și pe reciclare și utilizarea unor deșeuri pentru producerea de energie. În acest sens, primarul Dan Stroe face un anunț important pentru locuitori. „...(Citește tot articolul)

Mon, 22 Apr 2019 00:00:00 +0300

Simona Bucura Oprescu, 71 de iniţiative legislative!

Simona Bucura Oprescu, deputat de Argeş al PSD, este unul dintre cei mai activi parlamentari ai partidului. Simona Bucura Oprescu a iniţiat sau a fost co-autor la nu mai puţin de 71 de iniţiative legislative, multe dintre acestea devenind legi. ...(Citește tot articolul)

Wed, 20 Mar 2019 00:00:00 +0200

Şedinţă de Consiliu Local la Topoloveni

Mâine, 24 aprilie 2019, are loc la ora 14, la sala de ședințe a PrimărieiTopoloveni, şedinţa Consiliului Local. Consilierii locali din Topoloveni se vor întâlni în ședința ordinarăpe luna aprilie 2019. Pe ordinea de z...(Citește tot articolul)

Tue, 23 Apr 2019 00:00:00 +0300

La ce prețuri se vând pomii tăiați de pe marginea drumurilor județene în Argeș

Consiliul Județean Argeș a stabilit tarifele de pornire a licitațiilor care vor fi organizate pentru valorificarea volumului brut de masă lemnoasă pe picior existent în zona de siguranță a unor drumuri județene unde se fac lucrări de &...(Citește tot articolul)

Mon, 22 Apr 2019 00:00:00 +0300

Coplată pentru serviciile medicale private

Coplata pentru serviciile medicale private intră astăzi pe ordinea de zi a şedinţei de Guvern. Proiectul de ordonanţă de urgenţă prevede că asiguraţii se vor putea trata la spitalele private, însă vor fi nevoiţi să acopere diferen ...(Citește tot articolul)

Wed, 24 Apr 2019 00:00:00 +0300

RO - EN - Mon 29 Apr 2019 06:43:27 - 966718156

What exactly is an Obama-Biden Democrat?

As Joe Biden joins the crowded field of Democratic candidates, he’s marketing his brand of politics in the framework of his role as Vice President in the Obama Administration, but how will that play with the more progressive wing of the party? Sen. Bob...

Sun, 28 Apr 2019 22:43:16 -0400

Perfumery | Sheet Music | News from Arges | Hosting Colocation Center | |

Primarul din Mioveni, Ion Georgescu, a spus astăzi într-o conferinţă de presă a PSD Argeş că lucrările de construire a noului spital orăşenesc din Mioveni decurg conform planurilor de până acum, iar pe 20 septembrie se vor muta aici şi secţiile de la spitalul "Sf. Spiridon". Pentru finalizarea lucrărilor şi pentru investiţii este nevoie de 20 milioane de euro, bani pe care primarul a spus că administraţia locală i-ar putea accesa printr-un credit dacă nu va primi până în mai un răspuns favorabil din partea Ministerului Sănătăţii către care a făcut mai multe solicitări de finanţare pe diverse programe. În ceea ce priveşte angajările, Ion Georgescu a precizat că nu primăria se ocupă de acestea, ci Ministerul Sănătăţii. Cei interesaţi trebuie să urmărească ediţiile din iulie şi august ale revistei "Sănătatea" în care vor fi publicate anunţurile de angajare. - ( 05.04.2019 ) ION GEORGESCU, VEŞTI DESPRE NOUL SPITAL DIN MIOVENI | MIOVENI

Stiri aleatoare din arhiva:

Camera Deputaţilor a votat pentru repatrierea rezervei de aur a României

Camera Deputaţilor, în calitate de for decizional, a adoptat astăzi proiectul de lege iniţiat de PSD pentru repatrierea integrală a rezervei de aur a României. Proiectul de lege a vizat modificarea şi completarea art. 30 din Legea nr...(Citește tot articolul)

Thu, 25 Apr 2019 00:00:00 +0300

RO - EN - Mon 29 Apr 2019 06:28:13 - 876181455

7.30am Arsenal transfer news LIVE: James Rodriguez boost, Emery interview enrages fans, Thorgan Hazard blow

ARSENAL have made the worst possible start to one of their biggest weeks of the season. Following a 3-0 thrashing by Leicester, the Gunners face Valencia and Brighton as they look to make the Champions League via either the European or domestic route. Get all the latest Gunners news and transfer gossip here.

Mon, 29 Apr 2019 06:13:30 +0000

Solskjaer all-but concedes defeat in top-four race after Man Utd throw away win against Chelsea

MANCHESTER UNITED boss Ole Gunnar Solskjaer virtually conceded defeat in the race for the Champions League. Top-four rivals Chelsea grabbed a point thanks to Marcos Alonso’s leveller. It leaves United three points behind fourth-placed Blues with two games to go — and they have an inferior goal difference. Solskjaer said: “You look at the league […]

Mon, 29 Apr 2019 05:49:36 +0000

Line of Duty viewers make fun of Steve Arnott’s awkward sex scene by slipping in hilarious acronyms

LINE of Duty viewers made fun of Steve Arnott’s awkward sex scene by slipping in some hilarious acronyms. Tonight fans saw the detective fail to perform in the bedroom during what should have been a steamy romp with his ex Sam Railston. Instead he ended up crying in the toilet as it was revealed he’s […]

Sun, 28 Apr 2019 21:36:18 +0000

Doctor Who writer recasts vampire-hunter Van Helsing as a woman for new BBC Dracula series

AS Dracula unleashes terror across Transylvania and beyond, the vampire is relentlessly hunted down by arch-nemesis Professor Abraham Van Helsing. But now the politically-correct BBC will spin the tale with a woman as his tormenter-in-chief in a new adaptation of the classic Gothic novel. The move has been led by writer Steven Moffat best known […]

Sun, 28 Apr 2019 20:00:19 +0000

Japanese fungus resistant to drugs kills eight Brits after being found in 25 UK hospitals

EIGHT patients have died in UK hospitals from a shapeshifting Japanese super fungus. About 50 more Brits survived being infected with the deadly Candida auris, which is resistant to anti-fungus drugs. The killer infection has been found in 25 British hospitals, with 200 more patients’ skin “colonised” by the fungus before it entered via wounds. […]

Sun, 28 Apr 2019 21:40:03 +0000

Madonna’s secret performance at Billboard Music Awards will see her sing with holograms

SHE’S the Queen of Reinvention – but this latest image overhaul is ambitious even by Madonna’s standards. I’ve learned that the singing superstar is secretly planning a ground-breaking performance at this week’s Billboard Music Awards in Las Vegas. She will surround herself with cutting-edge technology to raise the bar on what a stage show can […]

Sun, 28 Apr 2019 20:30:58 +0000

Bailly weeps in dressing room as Man Utd star fears he’s hurt his ACL

ERIC BAILLY wept in the Manchester United dressing room after fearing an ACL knee damage. The Ivory Coast centre-back suffered the devastating injury midway through the second half against Chelsea when he challenged Mateo Kovacic. Bailly’s right knee was put in a straight brace before he left Old Trafford and he will be scanned on […]

Sun, 28 Apr 2019 20:31:26 +0000

Line of Duty fans are convinced by ‘blinking theory’ that proves Gill Bigelow is ‘H’ and believe she’s framing Ted Hastings

LINE of Duty fans are convinced Superintendent Ted Hastings’ love interest Gill Bigelow is framing him because she is the real ‘H’. Viewers think bent copper Dot Cottan wrongly identified ‘H’ because he “blinked too slowly” on his deathbed. The bizarre theory would mean that Dot had actually meant ‘G’ – throwing the whole hunt […]

Sun, 28 Apr 2019 22:46:13 +0000

New definition of Islamophobia could cripple war on terror in UK, warns former terror boss

BRITAIN’S war on terror could be crippled if Ministers cave into MPs and accept a new controversial definition of islamophobia, an ex-terror tsar warns. Lord Carlile said the form of words describing Islamophobia as a ‘type of racism that targets expressions of Muslimness’ would hamper efforts to stop and search extremists at ports and returning […]

Mon, 29 Apr 2019 00:55:18 +0000

Gatwick drone fears spark flight chaos as flights diverted to Stansted after ‘near miss’

FLIGHTS were diverted from London’s Gatwick airport to Stansted yesterday amid reports of a drone in the area. At least four flights into Gatwick faced delays as result of the worrying report. Passengers travelling from Amsterdam and Barcelona into the West Sussex airport were diverted. A flight from Heraklion in Greece that was due to […]

Mon, 29 Apr 2019 06:17:12 +0000

Labour party accused of hypocrisy after member of Jeremy Corbyn’s team backed deep coal mining

LABOUR was accused of rank hypocrisy yesterday after one of Jeremy Corbyn’s team backed the UK’s first deep coal mine for decades. Just hours after the Labour leader declared a ‘national climate emergency’, national campaign co-ordinator Andrew Gwynne backed a Labour-run council in Cumbria after it approved the new site. He said they were “bound […]

Sun, 28 Apr 2019 21:30:32 +0000

Strictly’s Kevin Clifton won’t join professionals tour as Stacey Dooley hints their relationship isn’t ‘perfect’

STRICTLY’S Kevin Clifton won’t join the professionals tour – as Stacey Dooley hints their relationship isn’t ‘perfect’. The 36-year-old may have won the 2018 series with – now girlfriend – Stacey, but he isn’t joining his fellow professionals on the road when their tour starts in May. However Kevin’s ex-wife Karen, 37, is going on […]

Sun, 28 Apr 2019 22:43:15 +0000

Tottenham ace Christian Eriksen was a Danish film star at the age of just 13

CHRISTIAN ERIKSEN’S skills as a 13-year-old are still being used to teach kids and coaches across Denmark — and probably beyond. Within three years of the DVD he made with pals, Eriksen was signing for Ajax, the club his Tottenham side will take on in tomorrow’s Champions League semi-final first leg. Tonny Hermansen coached Eriksen […]

Sun, 28 Apr 2019 21:30:58 +0000

Theresa May’s former fracking tsar claims ministers were more worried about Greta Thunberg than industry development

THERESA MAY’s fracking tsar yesterday said Ministers were more worried about climate protester Greta Thunberg than keeping the lights on as she quit. Natascha Engel resigned with a furious attack against Business Secretary Greg Clark for listening more to eco-protestors like the Swedish schoolgirl than industry giants desperately trying to find new shale gas reserves. […]

Sun, 28 Apr 2019 21:00:41 +0000

Jeremy Hunt urges caution over Huawei helping build UK’s 5G network as the firm is ‘legally obliged to cooperate with Chinese intelligence’

THE Foreign Secretary has said Britain must be cautious about allowing Huawei to help build the UK’s 5G network because they are legally obliged to co-operate with Chinese intelligence services. Jeremy Hunt is the first Cabinet minister to publicly voice concern about Theresa May’s decision to supply the technology for “non core” parts of the […]

Mon, 29 Apr 2019 01:20:21 +0000

Cyprus serial killer cops find woman’s rotting remains in suitcase at bottom of lake

COPS searching for the victims of a serial killer on Cyprus have found the remains of a woman in a suitcase at the bottom of a lake. It is the fourth body to be found by officials in what is believed to be the island’s first serial killing. Greek-Cypriot army officer Nicos Metaxas has confessed […]

Sun, 28 Apr 2019 21:57:12 +0000

Smear tests could be replaced after urine sample checks were found just as effective at preventing cervical cancer

WOMEN who are too embarrassed or busy to attend a smear test could soon provide a urine sample instead. Researchers found a pee test may be just as effective at preventing cervical cancer as an intimate probe. They believe their breakthrough will save lives by encouraging more women to take up the offer of screening. […]

Sun, 28 Apr 2019 23:31:30 +0000

Templegate’s racing tips: Newcastle, Southwell, Thirsk, Windsor and Wolverhampton – Templegate’s betting preview for racing on Monday, April 29

BETTYS HOPE (2.40 Southwell, Nap) was nailed right on the line at Beverley last time and can go one stride better today. She has a good claimer taking 5lb off her back for good measure and looks hard to beat. PERFECIMPERFECTION (6.40 Thirsk, next best) came back from a break with a good third at […]

Mon, 29 Apr 2019 05:00:47 +0000

Baltimore shooting sees at least one killed and six injured near church as police hunt gunman

A MASS shooting near a US church tonight has left one person dead and at least six others injured. Cops rushed to the scene outside Perkins Square Baptist Church in Baltimore, Maryland, at around 5:30pm local time (10:30pm BST). Police later confirmed that at least seven people had been shot – and one victim had […]

Sun, 28 Apr 2019 21:51:37 +0000

UK weather forecast – Brits to sizzle in 28C Spanish Plume as 900 mile-wide jet of hot air sweeps in before three MONTH heatwave

A SPANISH plume is set to bring soaring temperatures to the UK over the next few weeks — before three more months of warm weather begin. The Met Office’s long-range weather forecast says higher than average temperatures are more likely all the way to the beginning of July. And Weather Outlook forecaster Brian Gaze believes highs of […]

Mon, 29 Apr 2019 06:22:52 +0000

Hodgson insists he expects £80m Man Utd target Zaha at Palace next season

ROY HODGSON expects Wilfried Zaha to be at Crystal Palace after the summer break. The £80million-rated winger is keen to play Champions League football and wanted by Arsenal, Tottenham, Borussia Dortmund and his former club Manchester United. But boss Hodgson believes Zaha, who has four years left on his deal, will be at Palace for […]

Sun, 28 Apr 2019 21:41:10 +0000

Russian cosplayer can transform herself into any character with her mesmerising make-up skills

A RUSSIAN cosplayer has won a whole host of fans thanks to her incredible transformations using nothing but make-up. Jules Gudkova, 21, has turned herself into a variety of well known characters, cartoons and celebrities thanks to her extraordinary talent. The Russian singer now boasts over 82,000 followers on her Instagram account where she shares […]

Sun, 28 Apr 2019 21:41:47 +0000

Arsenal’s laughable defending against Leicester highlights gulf in class to top two

WE are witnessing some of the best football we’ve ever seen in the Premier League. Manchester City and Liverpool are setting new standards that are quite simply ridiculous. The gap between them and the rest of the so-called Big Six teams is enormous. Nothing said that more yesterday than the Arsenal defensive display. It was […]

Sun, 28 Apr 2019 21:40:58 +0000

Monday’s London weather forecast: Feeling warm in the sunshine by the afternoon as temperatures hit 17C

AFTER any early fog clears, it’ll be a dry day with sunny spells across London. It’ll feel warm in the afternoon with maximum temperatures of 17C after a chilly start to the day. London weather forecast for 7am on Monday April 29 London weather forecast for 1pm on Monday April 29 UK outlook for Tuesday […]

Sun, 28 Apr 2019 23:01:27 +0000

Losing our fracking tsar must be a wake-up call for flip-flopping ministers

Shale fail THE loss of the UK’s fracking tsar must be a wake-up call for flip-flopping ministers. Natascha Engel is right to warn that Britain’s energy revolution is now at risk, with the Government in thrall to eco-warriors and their immature stunts. She points out that the likes of 16-year-old Greta Thunberg, and the Extinction […]

Sun, 28 Apr 2019 22:56:31 +0000

Thomas Cook reveal bookings for Turkey and Tunisia are surging – but Spain is still number one for Brits

THOMAS Cook have released their latest holiday report and it seems that Brits are increasingly looking beyond Europe for their summer holidays. While Spain remains the number one destination for the nation, countries like Turkey and Tunisia are coming back into favour as well. In fact, thanks to a huge surge in bookings this year, […]

Sun, 28 Apr 2019 23:01:34 +0000

Line of Duty’s latest shock twist has left viewers stunned — but who could have been behind it?

LINE of Duty fans were left stunned at the latest episode when the thriller’s hero Supt Ted Hastings was arrested under suspicion of being the one thing he despises – a bent copper. The leader of anti-corruption unit pleaded his innocence before insisting he was being framed as the dreaded H, the police chief working […]

Sun, 28 Apr 2019 21:00:22 +0000

Web giants told to meet with Samaritans in bid to protect youngsters from harmful online content

WEB GIANTS have been told by Government to meet with the Samaritans over plans to rid the internet of self-harm videos and other content. Health Secretary Matt Hancock will today urge tech giants such as Google and Instagram to commit to developing ways that might identify and tackle harmful content, including that promoting suicide. And […]

Mon, 29 Apr 2019 00:23:43 +0000

Who is Clelia Theodorou? Towie star and ex glamour model who is dating Amber Davies ex Sonny Hall

GLAMOUR model Clelia Theodorou joined The Only Way Is Essex  with her pal Shelby Tribble in 2018. Here’s all you need to know about the brunette babe. Who is Clelia Theodorou? Clelia Theodorou is a glamour model from Plymouth. She has appeared topless in the pages of lads’ mag Zoo. In 2014 she was crowned […]

Sun, 28 Apr 2019 20:00:28 +0000

Watch Premier League highlights as Man Utd battle Chelsea, Arsenal lose to Leicester and City go top

IT WAS another fine day of action in the Premier League as four of the ‘big six’ battled it out. Manchester United drew with Chelsea in a top four clash at Old Trafford. While Arsenal were given a hiding away at Leicester in after another defensive horror show. And Manchester City regained top spot from […]

Sun, 28 Apr 2019 23:03:54 +0000

Fury as school bus driver, 26, who raped girl, 14, he met on his route dodges jail

A SCHOOL bus driver who admitted to raping a 14-year-old girl he met on his route has been been spared jail, leaving the victim’s mother furious. Shane M. Piche, 26, who drove a bus for the Watertown City School District, New York, pleaded guilty to third-degree rape in February. A judge sentenced Piche to 10 […]

Sun, 28 Apr 2019 20:57:27 +0000

The tastiest and most affordable vegetarian and vegan supermarket treats — plus win two free tickets to a day at the races

YOU do not have to head to Greggs to get your hands on a vegan sausage roll. After the country went mad for the bakery chain’s sell-out savoury vegan snack back in January, many supermarkets have just jumped on the meat-free wagon with various versions of veggie and vegan snacks. Here is a look at […]

Sun, 28 Apr 2019 20:37:31 +0000

CCTV captures sick thief making 4mph getaway on woman’s mobility scooter left outside church

A CALLOUS thief was caught on CCTV making a slow get-away – after hot wiring a 4mph mobility scooter outside a church. Amanda Beckles, 44, left the £350 Freerider Mayfair scooter by the front of St Luke The Evangelist church in Brierfield, Lancs, while attending Sunday school on Easter Sunday. But when she and husband […]

Sun, 28 Apr 2019 21:49:46 +0000

Dyche claims he heard Guardiola shout ‘get it in corner’ as Man City hung on against Burnley

PEP GUARDIOLA was left “trembling” as Manchester City clung on for victory at Burnley. And Clarets boss Sean Dyche was surprised to see the Etihad chief screaming at his players to get the ball in the corner to wind the clock down. City looked like they could drop points — which would have allowed Liverpool […]

Sun, 28 Apr 2019 21:41:58 +0000

Tories are lost and could become extinct in this climate of hysteria and cannot defend themselves

THE Tories are facing extinction – without even the pleasure of a rebellion. Having beaten themselves to a pulp over Brexit, they are now too punch-drunk to defend themselves over global warming. Lifelong Swampy Jeremy Corbyn has latched on to climate change as a lethal weapon against a party which has lost control of the […]

Sun, 28 Apr 2019 22:40:08 +0000

Monday’s UK weather forecast: Dry with warm sunny spells for most but patchy rain in the west

IT’LL be largely dry with warm sunny spells for most after any early fog has cleared. However, there’ll be some patchy rain in the west. UK weather forecast for 7am on Monday April 29 UK weather forecast for 4pm on Monday April 29 UK outlook for Tuesday April 30 to Thursday April 2 Tuesday will […]

Sun, 28 Apr 2019 23:01:06 +0000

Italian legend Giorgio Chinaglia clashed with Pele, was championed by Franz Beckenbauer and grew up in Cardiff

A brooding Italian, with fast feet and even faster tongue, Giorgio Chinaglia, nicknamed ‘Long John’ because of his resemblance to John Charles, was one of the most prolific strikers in football in the 1970s. As the top scorer in Serie A in 1973/74, Chinaglia propelled Lazio to their first ever Scudetto and also gained international […]

Mon, 29 Apr 2019 06:00:37 +0000

Line of Duty fans predict the next bent copper will be OCG’s Ryan who has been forced to ‘lie low’ after taking mystery exams

LINE of Duty fans have predicted the next bent copper will be Ryan Pilkington from the Organised Crime Group. In what appeared to be a clue about the show’s final series next year, the youngster revealed he had passed his exams and was preparing for an interview. In a brief conversation with Ryan, OCG leader […]

Sun, 28 Apr 2019 23:35:59 +0000

Gel pill that helps fill the stomach could double tubby Brits’ chances of losing weight

MILLIONS of Brits could double their chances of losing weight thanks to a breakthrough pill. The “exciting” new treatment – which contains thousands of tiny grains of gel – is taken before each meal with water. It quickly expands to fill a quarter of the stomach, leaving users feeling full. In trials, slimmers using the […]

Sun, 28 Apr 2019 22:54:32 +0000

Benitez insists Newcastle will do former club Liverpool no favours in title race

RAFA BENITEZ claims he will do everything he can to dent Liverpool’s title hopes. The Newcastle boss expects his team to deliver a top performance when Jurgen Klopp’s side play in the North East on Saturday night. Asked about some fans believing he will take it easy against his old club, Rafa said: “We will […]

Sun, 28 Apr 2019 21:40:21 +0000

Gemma Atkinson jokes pregnancy has given her ‘mahooosive coconuts’

GEMMA Atkinson has joked that pregnancy has given her “mahooosive coconuts”. The former Emmerdale actress is expecting her first child with Strictly boyfriend Gorka Marquez. Taking to Instagram on Sunday, Gemma, 34, shared a picture of her posing in a white bikini top and black bottoms next to a palm tree. Wearing sunglasses and a […]

Sun, 28 Apr 2019 20:00:57 +0000

Cop filmed clowning around on a trampoline while out on a drug bust

A COP clowns around by bouncing on a trampoline during a drug bust. One of his colleagues laughed as he took off his kit belt to perform backflips in the garden of a house they were checking. A neighbour who filmed the officer’s antics is heard saying: “This is what you pay your taxes for. […]

Sun, 28 Apr 2019 21:30:08 +0000

300 ‘overworked’ NHS nurses killed themselves in the last seven years sparking calls for urgent probe

MORE than 300 “overworked” NHS nurses have killed themselves in the last seven years, shocking new figures have revealed. The “alarming” figures from the ONS have sparked a call from the Labour Shadow Health Secretary for an urgent enquiry. Data shows 32 nurses died by suicide in 2017, after there were 51 deaths in 2016 […]

Sun, 28 Apr 2019 23:19:13 +0000

Secret checks prompt fears that Philip Hammond is looking to hike taxes on booze and cigarettes

SECRET plans are under way to see how much further the Chancellor can hike taxes on cigarettes and alcohol, The Sun can reveal. Experts have been allowed to examine details of household spending to see if people cut back on life’s little pleasures when prices get too high. The results will then be given to […]

Sun, 28 Apr 2019 21:33:16 +0000

Girl, 7, suffers 2,600 seizures in two months as she battles condition so rare it doesn’t have a name

THIS brave seven-year-old girl has suffered 2,610 seizures in just two months, but her condition is so rare it doesn’t even have a name. Wheelchair-bound Charlie Burridge is unable to speak and suffers from epilepsy, narcolepsy and cataplexy. She has spent most of her life “locked” in her own body and is currently stuck in […]

Sun, 28 Apr 2019 21:18:16 +0000

We meet four women who put the needs of their dogs first, leaving their partners a distant second

WOULD you choose puppy love over your partner? More than half of us have felt true love for a new pet within half an hour, according to a survey by Agria Pet Insurance. Two in five called it “love at first sight”. Yet most of those quizzed said it had taken up to SIX MONTHS […]

Sun, 28 Apr 2019 22:49:58 +0000

Rylan Clark-Neal reveals he was bullied for being fat, ginger and gay on journey to success as Strictly It Takes Two presenter — after being X Factor joke act

WITH his mahogany tan, big white teeth and platinum hair extensions, he was the ultimate X Factor joke act. It’s fair to say most people expected run-of-the-mill singer Rylan Clark-Neal to fade into obscurity after coming fifth on the show in 2012. Yet the ridiculed reality TV star has become one of the BBC’s hottest […]

Sun, 28 Apr 2019 21:00:14 +0000

Czech Republic international Josef Sural dead aged 28 after horror Alanyaspor team bus crash

CZECH REPUBLIC international Josef Sural has been killed in a bus crash involving Turkish Super Lig side Alanyaspor. The striker, 28, has been confirmed as dead from his injuries after being taken to hospital, while ex-Spurs defender Steven Caulker, 27, suffered injuries. Former Liverpool, Sunderland and QPR Djibril Cisse, 37, is also among the six […]

Mon, 29 Apr 2019 06:09:58 +0000

Bowie, Dylan or McCartney – can you match these paintings to their famous creators?

THEY are some of the biggest names in music, Hollywood and politics – but their attempts at art are less well-known. After rocker Ronnie Wood delighted fans last week with his Picasso-style painting of his Rolling Stones bandmates, we thought it would be fun to reveal art by other celebrities. Although with wobbly lines and […]

Sun, 28 Apr 2019 22:14:15 +0000

Brit arrested over ‘murder’ of tenant mum and baby daughter, 1, in Canada who vanished two weeks ago

A BRITISH man has been arrested over the suspected murder of a mother and her one-year-old daughter in Canada. Robert Leeming, 34, claimed he “did nothing wrong” after being questioned over the disappearance of his tenant Jasmine Lovett, 25, and her daughter Aliyah Sanderson. The pair were last seen by witnesses on April 16. But […]

Sun, 28 Apr 2019 23:36:35 +0000

Marnie Simpson reveals she’s PREGNANT after worrying she’d never be a mum after heavy drinking on Geordie Shore

GEORDIE Shore star Marnie Simpson has revealed she’s pregnant after worrying she’d never become a mum after her heavy drinking. The 26-year-old told OK! Magazine she’s five months away from having her first child with boyfriend Casey Johnson. She said: “Because I’d done Geordie Shore I’d convinced myself that I couldn’t have kids because of […]

Mon, 29 Apr 2019 00:09:49 +0000

Spain elections – Far-right Vox party enters parliament for the first time since Franco’s death as leader vows to ‘reconquer’ Spain

SPAIN’S Vox party has secured 24 seats in the country’s parliament, the first time a far-right party has done so since the death of dictator Francisco Franco in 1975. Vox leader Santiago Abascal celebrated the party’s result of getting 10 per cent of the vote at a rally in Madrid where he told supporters the […]

Mon, 29 Apr 2019 00:21:56 +0000

Couple flee their BMW as it bursts into flames — days before recall work to stop it catching fire is due

A COUPLE had to flee their burning BMW just days before it was due for urgent recall work – to stop it catching fire. Ricky Fox, 34, and wife Jemma, 28, stopped on the A1 when black smoke billowed through the air vents. The vehicle had just been booked in for a recall to have […]

Mon, 29 Apr 2019 01:16:59 +0000

Susanna Reid splits from millionaire boyfriend Steve Parish after nine-month romance

SUSANNA Reid has split from millionaire boyfriend Steve Parish after a nine-month romance. The Good Morning Britain host was first seen with the Crystal Palace chairman in August last year. Susanna and Crystal Palace chairman Steve dated for nine months and Susanna’s spokesperson confirmed the split on Sunday but had declined to comment further. Just […]

Sun, 28 Apr 2019 21:52:50 +0000

Lord of the Rings author JRR Tolkien’s son was allegedly a paedophile Catholic priest

THE Catholic priest son of The Lord of the Rings author JRR Tolkien was a paedophile, it is alleged. Father John Tolkien was accused of abusing kids in Birmingham and Stoke, the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse heard last year. Alleged victim Christopher Carrie said he was 11 when Tolkien sexually assaulted him in […]

Sun, 28 Apr 2019 23:58:31 +0000

London Marathon chiefs pay tribute to pioneering Sun reporter Vikki Orvice

ORGANISERS paid tribute to Vikki Orvice by naming the London Marathon race media centre after her. SunSport’s much-loved athletics writer, who died from cancer in February aged just 56, covered 18 London Marathons since 2000. More than 250 journalists and broadcasters from around the world reported on the race from the centre close to the […]

Sun, 28 Apr 2019 21:30:18 +0000

Headteacher blasts abusive parents for failing their kids and leaves the country after her school is branded ‘Colditz Academy’

A HEADTEACHER has blasted parents for failing their kids and is now leaving the country after her school was branded “Colditz Academy” for being so strict. Alison Colwell is calling for a clampdown on the behaviour of parents as well as pupils after being sworn at and threatened by British families. Dubbed the strictest headteacher […]

Sun, 28 Apr 2019 22:13:54 +0000

Towie 2019 – what time is the new series on, which cast were axed and who’s left?

THE Only Way is Essex is back on our tellies for a 24th series. But who won’t be returning to TOWIE, are there any new cast members and which familiar faces are sticking around? Here’s all you need to know. When does the new series of Towie start? Towie has been going since 2010 and […]

Sun, 28 Apr 2019 20:51:18 +0000

Van Dijk wins PFA Player of the Year after brilliant season at Liverpool

VIRGIL VAN DIJK has been crowned the PFA Player of the Year. Liverpool’s commanding centre-back took all the plaudits at Sunday night’s swanky ceremony in London, beating Manchester City’s Raheem Sterling to the award. Van Dijk has enjoyed a stellar season at Anfield, leading his side in the Premier League title battle with Sterling’s City. […]

Sun, 28 Apr 2019 20:57:46 +0000

Liverpool ace Van Dijk’s rapid rise from pot washer earning £3-an-hour to PFA Player of the Year

VIRGIL VAN DIJK is not known for doing the dirty work. But 10 years ago, Liverpool’s £75million man and PFA Player of the Year was a pot washer earning £3-an-hour at a restaurant in Breda. Van Dijk, then 17, worked in the second floor kitchen of Oncle Jean, an established eatery in a well-heeled corner […]

Sun, 28 Apr 2019 20:20:55 +0000

Britain’s Got Talent won’t show Jack Saunders’ audition after he took his own life before show aired

BRITAIN’S Got Talent won’t show the dancer who took his own life after competing in the ITV show. Jack Saunders was a member of talented act Green Force Five who won a place in the next round. Tragically, the 25-year-old was found dead before the audition was aired. The group have now withdrawn from the […]

Sun, 28 Apr 2019 20:07:16 +0000

Jeremy Corbyn will suffer ‘his Iraq moment’ if Labour doesn’t back second referendum in Euro Election pledges, claims one of his own MPs

JEREMY CORBYN will suffer “his Iraq moment” if Labour fails to back a second referendum in its Euro Election manifesto, a senior MP claims. Ben Bradshaw yesterday said Labour would “haemorrhage” members, activists and MEPs if its ruling National Executive Council (NEC) fails to agree to call for a confirmatory vote at a crunch manifesto […]

Mon, 29 Apr 2019 01:45:10 +0000

Rabbi reveals evil ‘teen’ synagogue shooter’s killing spree stopped after moments when assault rifle ‘miraculously’ jammed

AN evil synagogue shooter who opened fire on worshippers in California was unable to kill more because his gun miraculously jammed, it was revealed last night. John Earnest, 19, stormed the Chabad of Poway near San Diego on Saturday morning in a sickening assault rifle attack, police say. One woman died and three others were […]

Mon, 29 Apr 2019 04:59:37 +0000

Towie’s Amber Turner trolled for ‘breaking girl code’ after she admits sleeping with ex Dan Edgar while he was still dating Chloe Sims

TOWIE fans were furious with Amber Turner for still wanting Dan Edgar back and sleeping with him even though he was still seeing Chloe Sims. They took to Twitter to accuse her of breaking the “girl code,” when she confessed: “My bed is still warm” after hooking up with Dan three times. Amber made her […]

Sun, 28 Apr 2019 22:50:52 +0000

England bosses knew about Alex Hales’ drug ban before picking him for the World Cup

ENGLAND cricket chiefs knew about Alex Hales’ drugs ban BEFORE he was selected for the World Cup squad. The revelation throws the spotlight on the ECB’s handling of a case that is providing a huge distraction to England’s build-up to the tournament they enter as favourites. ECB chief executive Tom Harrison and England supremo Ashley […]

Sun, 28 Apr 2019 21:39:19 +0000

Being overweight or obese could increase risk of an early death by up to 50 PER CENT, says study

PILING on too many pounds raises the risk of early death by up to half, a major study reveals. The tubbiest Brits were also 12 times more likely to develop diabetes and had four times the chance of heart failure. Experts warn the shocking findings lay bare the “phenomenal” consequences of being too fat. Two […]

Sun, 28 Apr 2019 23:21:21 +0000

Five men accused of murdering Stephen Lawrence were given nearly £1 million in legal aid — while his family got nothing

FIVE men accused of murdering black teen Stephen Lawrence have been granted nearly £1million in legal aid. Lawyers for Gary Dobson, David Norris, Jamie and Neil Acourt and Luke Knight got £813,384 between 1993 and this year. By contrast lawyer Imran Khan took on Stephen’s parents’ case for free. They were denied legal aid in […]

Sun, 28 Apr 2019 21:36:45 +0000

London Marathon 2020: Ballot details, charity places, date and entry requirements for next year’s race

THERE are very few greater feats of endurance than completing a marathon. Every year thousands of people from around the world head to the capital for the annual London Marathon. And if you’ve been inspired by the sight of the runners this year, in 2020 you could be one of them. How can I apply? […]

Sun, 28 Apr 2019 19:45:09 +0000

Daily horoscope for Monday April 29 – here’s what the stars have in store for you today

♈ ARIES March 21 to April 20 The words you speak to a partner really get through because they come from the heart. Singles find fun-packed friendship but this turns into love. Work-wise, look beyond a smart job title to find out what that extra responsibility would really mean. Luck links two brothers with football […]

Sun, 28 Apr 2019 23:01:52 +0000

Dancing On Ice’s Vanessa Bauer wows in lingerie as she skates in her kitchen

DANCING On Ice star Vanessa Bauer looks cracking in smalls as she has a go at skating in her house. The German dancer, pictured in white lingerie, wore blades to do tricks on a synthetic ice carpet in her kitchen. Whizz Vanessa, 22, who got to the final with Love Island’s Wes Nelson on ITV […]

Sun, 28 Apr 2019 23:48:17 +0000

Sterling named PFA Young Player of Year after Van Dijk pips him to top award

RAHEEM STERLING has been crowned PFA Young Player of the Year. Man City’s masterful forward, who was pipped to the top award by Liverpool’s Virgil Van Dijk, picked up the gong after another outstanding season. Who said "too old for this sh*t" 😂😂 ?! #PFAawards — Raheem Sterling (@sterling7) April 28, 2019 Sterling, 24, […]

Sun, 28 Apr 2019 21:57:36 +0000

Plans to scrap 1p and 2p coins could be unveiled this WEEK as Treasury is set to rule on future of your change

PLANS to potentially scrap 1p and 2p coins are set to be unveiled this week, it was confirmed last night. Chancellor Philip Hammond will rule on the future of the small denomination coins in the coming days, the Treasury said. It comes a year after Mr Hammond called them “obsolete” his Spring Statement – suggesting […]

Mon, 29 Apr 2019 01:22:41 +0000

Thousands mourn revered Israeli rabbi and Holocaust survivor, 96, at his Jerusalem funeral

THOUSANDS have turned out to mourn the death of a prominent rabbi who survived the Holocaust at his Jerusalem funeral. Menachem Mendel Taub, who was descended from a Hungarian rabbinic dynasty, died on Sunday aged 96, at his Jerusalem home. Taub helped produce a two-volume encyclopedia documenting Jewish religious martyrs killed in the Holocaust. His […]

Sun, 28 Apr 2019 21:33:23 +0000

Louise Redknapp sizzles in a black leotard after rift with Strictly dancer Kevin Clifton

SINGER Louise Redknapp smoulders in a sexy one-piece after details emerged of her rift with Strictly dancer Kevin Clifton. She wears the black leotard in the video for Stretch — her new single. Louise, 44, said: “A little look behind the scenes at the making of Stretch.” Sources told the Sun on Sunday she is […]

Sun, 28 Apr 2019 23:56:44 +0000

Heavily pregnant teen, 19, forced to live in mould-ridden flat fears for her baby’s health

A HEAVILY pregnant teen has been forced to sleep in a damp and mould-ridden flat because she claims her housing association has repeatedly turned down her requests to be re-homed. Samantha Bartley, 19, who is 37 weeks pregnant says she has to sleep on the sofa and wash herself with bottled water. The dental nurse […]

Sun, 28 Apr 2019 19:51:34 +0000

Sri Lanka bans face coverings including burqa and niqab to prevent terrorists disguising themselves a week after Easter suicide bombings

SRI Lanka will ban all face coverings including niqabs and burqas in the wake of the Easter suicide bombings that killed 253 people, it was announced last night. President Maithripala Sirisena used emergency powers to outlaw any form of face covering in public in a bid to help police track down wanted terrorists. It will […]

Mon, 29 Apr 2019 00:45:36 +0000

Bamford should be hit with two-game ban for conning ref with ‘disgusting’ act in Leeds’ draw with Aston Villa, says Mark Halsey

SUNSPORT refereeing expert Mark Halsey believes Patrick Bamford should be banned by the FA for feigning injury to get Aston Villa’s Anwar El Ghazi sent off. Our man takes you through the key incidents from the weekend, including controversy involving Arsenal, Manchester United and Manchester City… PATRICK BAMFORD should be disgusted with his actions – […]

Sun, 28 Apr 2019 21:08:25 +0000

Instagram and Snapchat are fuelling teenage eating disorders with ‘dangerous ideas of perfection’ says Education Secretary Damian Hinds

INSTAGRAM and Snapchat are fuelling teenage eating disorders by feeding kids “dangerous ideas of perfection”, a Cabinet Minister last night warned. Education Secretary Damian Hinds said social media giants were bombarding youngsters with pressure on how to act and look 24-7. This is making it “harder to escape” the low self-esteem which can plague teens, […]

Sun, 28 Apr 2019 23:17:10 +0000

7.30am Chelsea transfer news LIVE: Rudiger, Willian and David Luiz injury updates, Hudson Odoi goes wild

CHELSEA produced an encouraging performance to keep their top four fate in their own hands with a 1-1 draw at Old Trafford. But they have a number of injury worries ahead of a week of huge domestic and European games. Get all the latest Blues news and transfer gossip here.

Mon, 29 Apr 2019 06:13:33 +0000

Rape victims are being told their cases could be dropped if they don’t hand over their mobile phone to police

RAPE victims are being told they must hand their mobiles to cops or risk their suspected attacker dodging prosecution. Consent forms allowing officers to access messages, photos, emails and social media have been introduced at all 43 forces in England and Wales. Prosecutors say phones will be looked at only for a “reasonable line of […]

Sun, 28 Apr 2019 22:27:06 +0000

Game of Thrones season 8: Episode 3 spoilers and big reveals following the UK premiere

GAME of Thrones fans, we finally get to see the Army of the Dead descend upon Daenerys Targaryen, Jon Snow and the living at Winterfell. The night is extremely dark and full of a whole lot of terrors as we watch it all unfold over 1 hour and 22 minutes. Especially because the episode has […]

Mon, 29 Apr 2019 00:21:41 +0000

Think-tank pans Government plan to axe short jail terms and instead urges £2 billion clean-up of drug-riddled jails

MINISTERS’ plans to axe short prison sentences were panned last night – as they were urged to spend £2 billion cleaning up drug-riddled jails. In a blistering report, a think tank laid bare the extent of the violent culture behind bars. The Centre for Social Justice called for body scanners and waste-water analysis at every […]

Mon, 29 Apr 2019 01:09:56 +0000

Mo Farah dismisses claims his Ethiopian hotel row with rival Haile Gebrselassie affected his London Marathon performance

SIR Mo Farah hit back at claims his row at an Ethiopian hotel was sparked by a controversial coach – as he disappointed in the London Marathon. The marathon hero, 36, struggled around the course yesterday as he came in fifth after a week of turmoil in the build-up to the race. It was won […]

Sun, 28 Apr 2019 22:32:00 +0000

Watch Graeme McDowell sit down in spectator’s chair and drink a cocktail to celebrate amazing eagle

THIS is the incredible moment Graeme McDowell sat down in a spectator’s chair and pretended to sip a cocktail. The 39-year-old was in the mood to celebrate after he holed out for an impressive eagle-two at the Zurich Classic of New Orleans. Cheers @Graeme_McDowell! 🍸 — PGA TOUR (@PGATOUR) April 27, 2019 McDowell sent […]

Sun, 28 Apr 2019 19:47:56 +0000

Housing minister may force builders to create ‘hedgehog highways’ to help the small mammals move about safely

A TOP Tory could force builders to create “hedgehog highways” in new developments. Housing Minister Kit Malthouse said the country should be doing more to “make space for nature”. Under the plan, a legal requirement would force new housing schemes to include a 13cm hole in the bottom of a fence – allowing hedgehogs to […]

Sun, 28 Apr 2019 21:30:05 +0000

Victoria Beckham dashes hopes of Spice Girls reunion by changing job title from singer to fashion designer

VICTORIA Beckham has dashed all remaining hopes of a Spice Girls reunion – after officially changing her occupation from “singer” to “fashion designer”. The former pop star made the switch on Tuesday on official documents registered at Companies House for her former bands’ company Spice Girls Limited. The move is the final nail in the […]

Sun, 28 Apr 2019 21:28:39 +0000

Mariah Carey concert tickets competition – T&Cs

BY entering the Promotion, you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions (these Terms and Conditions). Completion and submission of an entry form or e-mail will also be deemed acceptance of these Terms and Conditions. Promotional materials relating to the Promotion, including all information on how to enter the Promotion published in publications […]

Sun, 28 Apr 2019 20:30:06 +0000

Susanna Reid insists she is ‘fine’ but doesn’t want to ‘dwell on it’ as she addresses split from boyfriend Steve Parish on Good Morning Britain with Piers Morgan

SUSANNA Reid insisted to Piers Morgan she is “fine” today after her split from millionaire boyfriend Steve Parish. The Good Morning Britain star addressed the break-up early on in the show and told her co-host that the pair have remained “good” friends. Susanna and Crystal Palace chairman Steve dated for nine months and Susanna’s spokesperson […]

Mon, 29 Apr 2019 05:30:14 +0000

7.30am Man Utd transfer news LIVE: De Gea ‘needs the beach’, Bailly injury blow, Rojo escapes red

MANCHESTER UNITED secured a 1-1 draw with Chelsea to remain in the race for the top four… just. With two games remaining, the Red Devils are three points behind the Blues with an inferior goal difference and two behind Arsenal. Get all the latest United news and transfer gossip here.

Mon, 29 Apr 2019 06:13:36 +0000

Amy Willerton engaged after forcing fiance Daniel Day to propose twice because he ‘did it wrong’

AMY Willerton is engaged after forcing fiance Daniel Day to propose twice because he “did it wrong”. The I’m a Celebrity star opened up to Hello! Magazine about the proposal, and why she made Daniel ask her more than once. She said: “The second time around I made him do it on one knee because […]

Mon, 29 Apr 2019 00:05:34 +0000

Barbara Windsor’s husband Scott Mitchell celebrates as he smashes £100,000 fundraising target with EastEnders legends

BARBARA Windsor’s husband Scott Mitchell celebrated as he smashed his £100,000 fundraising target with Eastenders’ legends. They were running in support of his wife, TV legend Barbara who was diagnosed with Alzheimers in 2014. Eastender’s veteran Barbara Windsor’s doting husband Scott looked relieved and happy  as he finally crossed the line after running the London […]

Sun, 28 Apr 2019 19:53:07 +0000

Grand Designs house price slashed by £1MILLION to £3m despite having a private BEACH

THE owners of a stunning Grand Designs mansion have slashed the price by £1million after it failed to sell. The 7,200 square foot property is set in 2.2 acres of land, with six bedrooms, a heated swimming pool – and even its own 3.8 acre private beach. Despite its luxurious features, the Isle of Wight […]

Sun, 28 Apr 2019 23:35:49 +0000

Fraudster posing as Jason Statham convinces love-struck woman to hand over £100,000s thinking Hollywood hunk loved her

A LOVE-struck woman handed over hundreds of thousands of pounds to a fraudster posing as Hollywood hunk Jason Statham. The con-man bombarded her with flirty messages before convincing her to part with the cash by claiming payment he was owed from a film was delayed. His victim, a woman from the North West of England […]

Mon, 29 Apr 2019 03:09:51 +0000

British teen drug dealer’s week in US prison shocks him into turning his life around

THE life of petty criminal and drug dealer Korede Akintunde was set on a dangerous, deadly path – until a short spell inside made the 17-year-old change his ways. He was not jailed for any crimes, but for a life-changing TV experiment. Korede was picked along with seven other British tearaways to take part in […]

Sun, 28 Apr 2019 22:09:13 +0000

Top Tory calls for £3billion tax raid on the over-50s to prevent social care meltdown

A TORY veteran is calling for a near £3 billion a year tax raid on the over-50s to prevent a social care disaster in Britain. Damian Green – one of Theresa May’s closest allies – said the Government should consider a 1 per cent National Insurance ‘charge’ on the estimated 8 million 50 to 64 […]

Sun, 28 Apr 2019 23:01:14 +0000

Who is the Night King in Game of Thrones? He’s definitely a Stark or Targaryen according to convinced fans

THE Night King is undoubtedly one of the most dangerous antagonists in Game of Thrones, who is described to be even more vicious than Cersei Lannister and Ramsay Bolton combined. We’ve already established that the Night Walker holds the power to transform any human into White Walkers, which has ultimately seen them become his servants, […]

Mon, 29 Apr 2019 06:00:25 +0000

Jeremy Hunt launches new Brexit charm offensive in Africa in direct challenge to French President Emmanuel Macron

JEREMY HUNT launched a new Brexit charm offensive in Africa in a direct challenge to French President Emmanuel Macron. The Foreign Secretary unveiled £750 million of export finance to support UK trade and investment in Senegal. And it came at the start of a five-day charm offensive across ‘francophone’ sub-Saharan African which will also see […]

Mon, 29 Apr 2019 00:20:30 +0000

Piers Morgan launches novelty hairdryer so fans can blow-dry their locks with his outrage-fuelled hot air

OUTSPOKEN TV host Piers Morgan has launched his own novelty hairdryer which features two settings of hot air – “political correctness” and “vegan sausage rolls”. The new gadget, dubbed the Morgan 3000 by the host, will be unveiled on Good Morning Britain tomorrow and sees air fired from a mock-up of the ITV star’s mouth. It […]

Mon, 29 Apr 2019 05:00:18 +0000

Norwich boss has brought in players to fit a style – here’s what they need to do this summer

NORWICH have busted a load of trends in the Championship this year. It’s long been thought you need to be big, strong and direct. Most think you’ve got to spend a few quid to get a team good enough for promotion. And the one you hear over and over is that you need Championship experience. […]

Sun, 28 Apr 2019 21:39:28 +0000

Who won KKR vs MI? IPL points table, results and schedule for Indian Premier League 2019 game

THE IPL is in full flow as the competing sides look to boost their play-off hopes. MS Dhoni and Chennai are aiming to defend their title after a memorable victory over Sunrisers Hyderabad in last year’s final. Who won KKR vs MI? Kolkata set the Mumbai Indians 233 to win after another dominant display for […]

Sun, 28 Apr 2019 21:50:29 +0000 | |

Primarul din Mioveni, Ion Georgescu, a spus astăzi într-o conferinţă de presă a PSD Argeş că lucrările de construire a noului spital orăşenesc din Mioveni decurg conform planurilor de până acum, iar pe 20 septembrie se vor muta aici şi secţiile de la spitalul "Sf. Spiridon". Pentru finalizarea lucrărilor şi pentru investiţii este nevoie de 20 milioane de euro, bani pe care primarul a spus că administraţia locală i-ar putea accesa printr-un credit dacă nu va primi până în mai un răspuns favorabil din partea Ministerului Sănătăţii către care a făcut mai multe solicitări de finanţare pe diverse programe. În ceea ce priveşte angajările, Ion Georgescu a precizat că nu primăria se ocupă de acestea, ci Ministerul Sănătăţii. Cei interesaţi trebuie să urmărească ediţiile din iulie şi august ale revistei "Sănătatea" în care vor fi publicate anunţurile de angajare. - ( 05.04.2019 ) ION GEORGESCU, VEŞTI DESPRE NOUL SPITAL DIN MIOVENI | MIOVENI

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Anunț important de la Primăria Bradu

Primăria Bradu și primarul Dan Stroe pun mare preț pe curățenia din localitate și pe reciclare și utilizarea unor deșeuri pentru producerea de energie. În acest sens, primarul Dan Stroe face un anunț important pentru locuitori. „...(Citește tot articolul)

Mon, 22 Apr 2019 00:00:00 +0300

Buget de peste 10 milioane lei la Regia de Drumuri

Regia Județeană pentru Drumuri și Poduri Argeș a previzionat pentru anul în curs venituri totale de 10,7 milioane lei, iar cheltuielile sunt estimate la suma de 10,63 milioane lei. În structura cheltuielilor de exploatare, preponderea...(Citește tot articolul)

Mon, 22 Apr 2019 00:00:00 +0300

Licitaţie de un milion de euro la Rucăr

După ce a obţinut toate cele 25 de avize necesare pentru autorizaţia de construire, Primăria comunei Rucăr a lansat licitaţia pentru execuţia lucrărilor de modernizare a drumurilor de interes local. Modernizarea drumurilor este vitală pentru...(Citește tot articolul)

Wed, 24 Apr 2019 00:00:00 +0300

La ce prețuri se vând pomii tăiați de pe marginea drumurilor județene în Argeș

Consiliul Județean Argeș a stabilit tarifele de pornire a licitațiilor care vor fi organizate pentru valorificarea volumului brut de masă lemnoasă pe picior existent în zona de siguranță a unor drumuri județene unde se fac lucrări de &...(Citește tot articolul)

Mon, 22 Apr 2019 00:00:00 +0300

Coplată pentru serviciile medicale private

Coplata pentru serviciile medicale private intră astăzi pe ordinea de zi a şedinţei de Guvern. Proiectul de ordonanţă de urgenţă prevede că asiguraţii se vor putea trata la spitalele private, însă vor fi nevoiţi să acopere diferen ...(Citește tot articolul)

Wed, 24 Apr 2019 00:00:00 +0300

FC Argeş joacă în Trivale de Paşti

Până în Paşti şi în ziua de Paşti se vor desfăşura şi meciurile din cadrul etapei a 32-a din Liga a 2-a de fotbal. Echipele din Argeş au meciuri dificile: vineri, 26 aprilie, se va desfăşura partida Luceafărul Oradea - C...(Citește tot articolul)

Tue, 23 Apr 2019 00:00:00 +0300

Camera Deputaţilor a votat pentru repatrierea rezervei de aur a României

Camera Deputaţilor, în calitate de for decizional, a adoptat astăzi proiectul de lege iniţiat de PSD pentru repatrierea integrală a rezervei de aur a României. Proiectul de lege a vizat modificarea şi completarea art. 30 din Legea nr...(Citește tot articolul)

Thu, 25 Apr 2019 00:00:00 +0300

Plecarea deputatului Georgescu de la PSD la Pro România, parte a unui calcul complicat pentru PSD

Conducerea PSD ia în calcul să amâne până după Paște o reorganizare a Guvernului și, implicit, validarea în Parlament a noilor miniștri din cabinetul Dăncilă, pentru a-l scoate astfel din joc pe Klaus Iohannis. Î...(Citește tot articolul)

Wed, 24 Apr 2019 00:00:00 +0300

Doar patru abatoare în care pot fi sacrificaţi mieii în Argeş

Daniel Lupu, directorul DSVSA Argeş, a spus astăzi că în judeţul Argeş se pot sacrifica miei pentru Paşti în doar patru dintre cele şapte abatoare autorizate. Este vorba despre abatoarele din Câmpulung Muscel, Rucăr şi Bas...(Citește tot articolul)

Tue, 23 Apr 2019 00:00:00 +0300

De Paşti, restricţii de trafic pe drumul Piteşti - Râmnicu Vâlcea

Centrul INFOTRAFIC din Inspectoratul General al Poliţiei Române informează că în perioada 25 aprilie - 1 mai 2019, circulaţia vehiculelor rutiere cu masa totală maximă autorizată mai mare de 7,5 tone (altele decât cele destin...(Citește tot articolul)

Wed, 24 Apr 2019 00:00:00 +0300

Autorizații de plantare - defrișare eliberate în primul trimestru al anului 2019

În conformitate cu prevederile Legii Pomiculturii nr. 348/2003R, Direcția pentru Agricultură Județeană Argeș a eliberat în primul trimestru al acestui an, 37 autorizații de defrişare plantații de pomi şi arbuşti fructiferi, 27 a...(Citește tot articolul)

Mon, 22 Apr 2019 00:00:00 +0300

Simona Bucura Oprescu, 71 de iniţiative legislative!

Simona Bucura Oprescu, deputat de Argeş al PSD, este unul dintre cei mai activi parlamentari ai partidului. Simona Bucura Oprescu a iniţiat sau a fost co-autor la nu mai puţin de 71 de iniţiative legislative, multe dintre acestea devenind legi. ...(Citește tot articolul)

Wed, 20 Mar 2019 00:00:00 +0200

Program de sărbători la Evidenţa Populaţiei în Piteşti

Direcția pentru Evidența Persoanelor a Municipiului Pitești anunță cetățenii că, în perioada sărbătorilor pascale și a zilelor declarate libere, respectiv în intervalul 26 aprilie 2019 - 1 mai 2019, programul de lucru cu public...(Citește tot articolul)

Thu, 25 Apr 2019 00:00:00 +0300

Şedinţă de Consiliu Local la Topoloveni

Mâine, 24 aprilie 2019, are loc la ora 14, la sala de ședințe a PrimărieiTopoloveni, şedinţa Consiliului Local. Consilierii locali din Topoloveni se vor întâlni în ședința ordinarăpe luna aprilie 2019. Pe ordinea de z...(Citește tot articolul)

Tue, 23 Apr 2019 00:00:00 +0300

Utilaje noi la ADP Piteşti

Primăria Municipiului Pitești a achiziționat încă trei utilaje multifuncționale, în valoare de 1.428.000 de lei, care vor putea fi folosite atât iarna la deszăpezire, cât și în restul anului, pentru operațiuni c&...(Citește tot articolul)

Thu, 25 Apr 2019 00:00:00 +0300

Măsuri speciale la biserici pentru Paşti

Riscul de producere a unor incendii la lăcaşurile de cult în perioada Paştelui este mare, iar tragedia de la Costeşti de acum aproape 100 de ani nu a fost uitată. Tocmai de aceea, pompierii argeşeni s-au mobilizat şi inspectorii de prev...(Citește tot articolul)

Wed, 24 Apr 2019 00:00:00 +0300

Aveţi grijă! Recomandări de la Prefectură pentru minivacanţa de Paşti şi 1 Mai!

Prefectul judeţului Argeş, Emilian Dragnea, a făcut o serie de recomandări pentru cetăţeni pentru minivacanţa de Paşti şi 1 Mai. Iată care sunt acestea:- În zonele aglomerate din pieţe, gări, autogări, în magazine, fiţi foa...(Citește tot articolul)

Thu, 25 Apr 2019 00:00:00 +0300

Autorităţile din Argeş, în alertă din cauza gripei porcine

Autorităţile judeţene au atras astăzi în Colegiul Prefectural atenţia cu privire la problemele care pot apărea în Argeş pe fondul focarului de gripă porcină din Corbeni depistat săptămâna trecută. 'Dacă vom găsi anim...(Citește tot articolul)

Tue, 23 Apr 2019 00:00:00 +0300

Lipsa de experienţă, principala cauză a accidentelor de muncă în Argeş!

Reprezentanţii ITM Argeş au prezentat astăzi la Colegiul Prefectural o situaţie a incidentelor apărute pe parcursul anului trecut. Conform raportului, numărul accidentelor de muncă a scăzut de la 137 în 2017 la 132 în 2018, dar a...(Citește tot articolul)

Tue, 23 Apr 2019 00:00:00 +0300

Cum funcţionează pieţele din Piteşti de sărbători

SC SALPITFLOR GREN SA anunță că în perioada 26 - 29 aprilie 2019 piețele municipiului Pitești vor funcționa după următorul program: vineri 26.04.2019 06:30 - 20:30 sâmbătă 27.04.2019 - 06:30 -17:30 duminică 28.04.2019: î...(Citește tot articolul)

Thu, 25 Apr 2019 00:00:00 +0300

RO - EN - Mon 29 Apr 2019 06:13:12 - 458721784

Cats should be BANNED from going outside to stop them killing birds, says parks expert

Tony Duckett, conservation officer for the Royal Parks, made the comments in response to Chris Packham's campaign to ban shooting licences

Mon, 29 Apr 2019 00:33:08 +0000 | |

Primarul din Mioveni, Ion Georgescu, a spus astăzi într-o conferinţă de presă a PSD Argeş că lucrările de construire a noului spital orăşenesc din Mioveni decurg conform planurilor de până acum, iar pe 20 septembrie se vor muta aici şi secţiile de la spitalul "Sf. Spiridon". Pentru finalizarea lucrărilor şi pentru investiţii este nevoie de 20 milioane de euro, bani pe care primarul a spus că administraţia locală i-ar putea accesa printr-un credit dacă nu va primi până în mai un răspuns favorabil din partea Ministerului Sănătăţii către care a făcut mai multe solicitări de finanţare pe diverse programe. În ceea ce priveşte angajările, Ion Georgescu a precizat că nu primăria se ocupă de acestea, ci Ministerul Sănătăţii. Cei interesaţi trebuie să urmărească ediţiile din iulie şi august ale revistei "Sănătatea" în care vor fi publicate anunţurile de angajare. - ( 05.04.2019 ) ION GEORGESCU, VEŞTI DESPRE NOUL SPITAL DIN MIOVENI | MIOVENI

Stiri aleatoare din arhiva:

Autorizații de plantare - defrișare eliberate în primul trimestru al anului 2019

În conformitate cu prevederile Legii Pomiculturii nr. 348/2003R, Direcția pentru Agricultură Județeană Argeș a eliberat în primul trimestru al acestui an, 37 autorizații de defrişare plantații de pomi şi arbuşti fructiferi, 27 a...(Citește tot articolul)

Mon, 22 Apr 2019 00:00:00 +0300