Monday, 6 May 2019

RO - EN - Mon 06 May 2019 13:27:20 - 532270820

Michael Cohen to report to prison Monday

Michael Cohen, the president's former personal lawyer, is due to report Monday to the Federal Correctional Institution, Otisville to begin a three-year sentence for tax evasion, lying to Congress and campaign finance crimes. Emily Jane Fox joins the

Mon, 06 May 2019 07:15:44 -0400

Maria Butina’s attorneys: 'If she had filed a piece of paper, everything she did was legal'

Convicted Russian agent Maria Butina will spend 18 months in prison. In their first joint interview, her attorneys claim she did nothing wrong, saying it’s a matter of perspective, for instance, 'some people say infiltrated the NRA. I say she joined the

Sun, 05 May 2019 20:55:30 -0400

Mike Pompeo: Master of misdirection on meddling?

The president said Sunday that special counsel Robert Mueller should not testify to Congress on his report on Trump and Russia. Also, President Trump, after speaking with Russian President Vladimir Putin, says the two didn't discuss meddling.

Mon, 06 May 2019 06:42:51 -0400

Even after latest missile test, Trump...

After making a series of concessions, Trump used to take credit for the cessation of North Korean weapons testing. So much for that idea.

Mon, 06 May 2019 09:20:23 -0400

As election threats mount, Trump flaunts weakness toward Putin

How embarrassing was Trump's refusal to confront Putin over election interference? Trump's Secretary of State couldn't think of a defense.

Mon, 06 May 2019 08:00:13 -0400

On Venezuela, Trump sides with Putin over...

Trump's team insisted that Russia had effectively "invaded" Venezuela. Then Trump spoke with Putin -- and contradicted his own administration's line.

Mon, 06 May 2019 08:40:06 -0400

Democrats call for Mueller testimony after Barr appearance

House Democrats are now talking with Robert Mueller directly to find a date for him to appear before Congress, but President Trump is pushing back, tweeting 'Bob Mueller should not testify.'

Sun, 05 May 2019 20:55:52 -0400

Author Emily Oster applies economic thinking to early parenting

Author Emily Oster’s first book 'Expecting Better” became something of a modern bible in its genre, applying economic models of decision-making to parents’ questions about a first-time pregnancy. Now, the Brown University Professor is taking on early

Sun, 05 May 2019 20:55:25 -0400

2020 candidates debate whether inmates could vote behind bars

2020 candidates consider whether inmates should be allowed to vote behind bars. NBC News' Morgan Radford reports.

Mon, 06 May 2019 08:51:07 -0400

Russia worked to suppress black vote: National Urban League report

The National Urban league is set to release the 2019 State of Black America report, which looks at where the black vote stands now. National Urban League President Marc Morial joins Morning Joe to discuss.

Mon, 06 May 2019 08:20:24 -0400

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Primarul din Mioveni, Ion Georgescu, a spus astăzi într-o conferinţă de presă a PSD Argeş că lucrările de construire a noului spital orăşenesc din Mioveni decurg conform planurilor de până acum, iar pe 20 septembrie se vor muta aici şi secţiile de la spitalul "Sf. Spiridon". Pentru finalizarea lucrărilor şi pentru investiţii este nevoie de 20 milioane de euro, bani pe care primarul a spus că administraţia locală i-ar putea accesa printr-un credit dacă nu va primi până în mai un răspuns favorabil din partea Ministerului Sănătăţii către care a făcut mai multe solicitări de finanţare pe diverse programe. În ceea ce priveşte angajările, Ion Georgescu a precizat că nu primăria se ocupă de acestea, ci Ministerul Sănătăţii. Cei interesaţi trebuie să urmărească ediţiile din iulie şi august ale revistei "Sănătatea" în care vor fi publicate anunţurile de angajare. - ( 05.04.2019 ) ION GEORGESCU, VEŞTI DESPRE NOUL SPITAL DIN MIOVENI | MIOVENI

Stiri aleatoare din arhiva:

Corbi: a 49-a ediţie a Rapsodiei Păstoreşti

Primăria și Consiliul Local Corbi, in parteneriat cu Căminul Cultural Corbi, vă invită duminică pe 19 mai, la cea de-a 49-a ediție a evenimentului Rapsodia Păstorească. PROGRAMUL MANIFESTĂRILOR: 09:00 - Vizitarea Muzeului comunei Corbi ...(Citește tot articolul)

Mon, 06 May 2019 00:00:00 +0300