Friday, 3 May 2019

RO - EN - Fri 03 May 2019 21:39:08 - 521248439

Sanders' dubious claim: Trump admin 'takes election meddling seriously'

Sarah Huckabee Sanders boasted that the Trump administration, unlike the Obama administration, "takes election meddling seriously." Evidence suggests otherwise.

Fri, 03 May 2019 15:47:07 -0400

Legal conflicts between Trump and House Democrats escalate

While House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler has given the DOJ a deadline of Monday to submit an unredacted version of the Mueller Report. And President Trump is saying he doesn’t intend to allow former White House Counsel Don McGahn, or any

Fri, 03 May 2019 14:22:34 -0400

Gov. Jay Inslee releases climate change policy plan

Governor Jay Inslee’s plan to tackle climate change was unveiled today. NBC’s Vaughn Hillyard joins Stephanie Ruhle live with Governor Inslee to break it down.

Fri, 03 May 2019 15:16:59 -0400

Julián Castro talks securing a spot in the first 2020 Dem. Debate

Presidential Candidate and former Housing and Urban Development Secretary Julian Castro joins Chris Jansing to discuss the economy, Russian election meddling, and how he plans to beat Donald Trump in 2020.

Fri, 03 May 2019 14:51:20 -0400

Should law enforcement be able to search phones at the border?

Police usually can’t search your cell phone without a warrant during a traffic stop, but what about border agents? NBC’s Cyrus Farivar joins Stephanie Ruhle to take a look at the “border exception” and what it means for you.

Fri, 03 May 2019 14:24:19 -0400

FCC Commissioner on Facebook privacy promises

Facebook is making new privacy promises, but is their word enough, and does it even mean anything these days? Stephanie Ruhle is joined by the FCC Commissioner, Geoffrey Starks, about how to regulate when the privacy of citizens is at odds with corporate

Fri, 03 May 2019 14:33:07 -0400

New jobs numbers far exceeded Wall Street’s expectations

It’s jobs day and the new numbers from the month of April exceeded expectations meaning things are looking good for the economy. Former Chairman of Economic Advisors for President Obama, Austan Goolsbee joins Stephanie Ruhle to discuss what factor was

Fri, 03 May 2019 14:29:14 -0400

Friday's Mini-Report, 5.3.19

Today's edition of quick hits.

Fri, 03 May 2019 17:30:06 -0400

Trump discusses Putin phone call and potential Mueller testimony

President Trump told reporters that Attorney General William Barr is the one who should decide if special counsel Robert Mueller should testify before Congress.

Fri, 03 May 2019 14:25:53 -0400

FBI sent investigator to meet with Trump campaign aide in 2016, NYT reports

Chuck Rosenberg joins MTP Daily to comment on the NYT’s story that the FBI sent an investigator posting as an assistant to meet with a Trump campaign aide before the election in 2016. Rosenberg calls it a “predicated investigation,” adding that “the FBI

Fri, 03 May 2019 17:29:23 -0400 | |

Primarul din Mioveni, Ion Georgescu, a spus astăzi într-o conferinţă de presă a PSD Argeş că lucrările de construire a noului spital orăşenesc din Mioveni decurg conform planurilor de până acum, iar pe 20 septembrie se vor muta aici şi secţiile de la spitalul "Sf. Spiridon". Pentru finalizarea lucrărilor şi pentru investiţii este nevoie de 20 milioane de euro, bani pe care primarul a spus că administraţia locală i-ar putea accesa printr-un credit dacă nu va primi până în mai un răspuns favorabil din partea Ministerului Sănătăţii către care a făcut mai multe solicitări de finanţare pe diverse programe. În ceea ce priveşte angajările, Ion Georgescu a precizat că nu primăria se ocupă de acestea, ci Ministerul Sănătăţii. Cei interesaţi trebuie să urmărească ediţiile din iulie şi august ale revistei "Sănătatea" în care vor fi publicate anunţurile de angajare. - ( 05.04.2019 ) ION GEORGESCU, VEŞTI DESPRE NOUL SPITAL DIN MIOVENI | MIOVENI

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Utilaje noi la ADP Piteşti

Primăria Municipiului Pitești a achiziționat încă trei utilaje multifuncționale, în valoare de 1.428.000 de lei, care vor putea fi folosite atât iarna la deszăpezire, cât și în restul anului, pentru operațiuni c&...(Citește tot articolul)

Thu, 25 Apr 2019 00:00:00 +0300